Old Knowledge
The pool of inventions, creations, culture and wisdom white people can tap into is so unbelievably rich, the problem for a WhiteSchool will always be to limit its educational material to the absolute necessary. We do not want to overload our pupils but teach them the most important ideas, background and know-how to safely navigate through a jungle of mainstream convictions that have been proven wrong if not to be blatently harmful to white well-being.
New Techniques
The Internet gives us the means to connect worldwide and to co-operate in the common goal to reset our compass towards a safe, prosperous world for white people. The anti-white programming is deep; many false principles need to be analysed and understood before they can be replaced with concepts that reconnect us with our ancestors, heal our psyche and teach us self-awareness, gratefulness and loyalty towards our brothers and sisters.
“ To be white means to be heir to greatness but to also bear the responsibility to be worthy of that inheritance ”
John Young
Western Voices World News